The majority of dental emergencies do not require immediate treatment. Most broken and/or sensitive teeth and lost crown temporaries can usually wait at least a few days. Our offices are very busy, as we see almost 5,000 regular patients, but we try and leave space available each day to triage emergencies. This usually involves a 'look-see' so that we can properly diagnose and discuss your problem, followed by booking the appropriate amount of time to treat you at a future date. In cases of extreme pain, increasing swelling or compromised aesthetics, we will do our utmost to treat you the same day.
As stated above, most problems can wait. But if you feel you have a problem that needs to be treated outside of regular office hours, we recommend calling the Ottawa Dental Emergency Service at (613) 523-4185. If you are a new patient to our office with a dental emergency, we can treat your problem first, but will most likely recommend you have a new patient exam at a future appointment. |
We are frequently asked by our existing patients if we are accepting new patients. We are happy to say that between the two locations, at the current time we are able to welcome you and your family and friends.
The first visit for new patients who wish to see us for treatment will entail a comprehensive oral exam (COE) which involves the recording of your medical and dental history, charting of your existing dental health, photographs and x-rays so that we can discuss with you and determine the ideal treatment plan for your needs. This COE is solely for data collection, diagnosis and treatment discussion; please note that there is no hygiene scaling (cleaning) at this first appointment.
We try to avoid duplicating any records you may recently have had taken at another office, so if this is the case, print off the following form and email, fax or hand deliver it to us after you have signed it. We will then contact your previous dentist and arrange the transfer.
If you've booked a new patient appointment, and have access to a computer and printer please print and fill out the medical/dental history forms attached below. You may also arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to fill out these forms in office.

new_patient_forms.pdf |

xray_release_form.docx |